Respawn is Creating a Mandalorian Game Set in the Star Wars Universe — An Exclusive Report

Vet Cloud Gaming
3 min readFeb 16, 2024

The image above depicts a poster for the second season of the popular TV series, Star Wars: The Mandalorian. The poster, which can be seen on Insider Gaming’s website, shows the title of the show and features a 4K resolution. The poster was released in 2024 and has a dimension of 2048x1152 pixels.

According to insiders in the gaming industry, it has been disclosed that Respawn Entertainment is currently working on a first-person Star Wars Mandalorian game in its initial phases of creation.

Reportedly, the game will allow players to assume the role of a Mandalorian bounty hunter (the specific identity is unknown) during the era of the Galactic Empire’s reign over the entire galaxy. As a bounty hunter, your objective is to apprehend targets, whether deceased or alive, in exchange for monetary compensation.

According to the initial report by Jeff Grubb from VentureBeat, the game was under the direction of Mohammad Alavi, Respawn’s creative director who has now departed to pursue new opportunities. Initially not revealing the game as a Star Wars project, Grubb has since disclosed that it will center on the concepts of “mobility” and “style”.

UPDATE: According to sources, it has been revealed that Alavi was not the director of this game. Instead, he was directing a different Apex Legends game that was ultimately canceled. This information was first reported by Bloomberg.

Thanks to the Mandalorian’s jetpack, the game offers a high level of mobility that plays a crucial role in the storytelling. This feature allows the player to execute horizontal dashes, vertical jumps, and boost slides (which resembles sliding down hills in Apex Legends). According to sources, the game is described as “extremely fast-paced” and therefore, players who adopt this play style will be rewarded. For instance, the player’s health will primarily replenish through consecutive kills.

As one would anticipate, assuming the role of a Mandalorian bounty hunter grants the player access to an extensive range of weaponry and gadgets, such as a wrist rocket, grapple hook, a visor for identifying enemies and bounties, and other tools.

The game is confirmed to have a linear level design and will not be an open world. It will feature different planets within the Star Wars universe as its setting.

The exact release date of the game is still uncertain, but it has been mentioned that we are at least a year or two away from its launch. It is currently unknown whether the game will include a multiplayer mode or not.

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Vet Cloud Gaming

As a streamer and content creator since October 2018, I have been sharing my passion for gaming and entertainment with a growing and loyal audience on YouTube.